


The Superintendent or Superintendent鈥檚 designee shall maintain procedures which provide for the verification of all admissions and residency requirements specified in law, board policies, and administrative regulations.

Before enrolling any child in a district school, the Superintendent or designee shall verify the child's age, residency, immunization, and other applicable eligibility criteria specified in law, the accompanying administrative regulation, or other applicable board policy or administrative regulation.

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure the immediate enrollment of a homeless or foster child, a child of a military family, or a student who has had contact with the juvenile justice system, is not delayed because of outstanding fees or fines owed to the child's last school or for their inability to produce previous academic, medical, or other records normally required for enrollment.

n addition, no child shall be denied enrollment in a district school solely on the basis of their arrest, adjudication by a juvenile court, formal or informal supervision by a probation officer, detention in a juvenile facility, enrollment in a juvenile court school, or other contact with the juvenile justice system. (Education Code )

The Superintendent or designee shall not inquire into or request documentation of a student's citizenship or immigration status, and shall not deny a student enrollment in a district school on the basis of the citizenship or immigration status of the student or their parents/legal guardians. Any information obtained about a student's or parent/legal guardian's citizenship or immigration status shall not be shared without parent/legal guardian consent or a lawful judicial order, in accordance with laws pertaining to the confidentiality of student records.

When enrolling in any district school, including a school in their attendance area, children whose parents/legal guardians reside within district boundaries shall be subject to the timelines established by the Board for open enrollment. Children whose parents/legal guardians do not reside within the district or who are not otherwise eligible for enrollment in the district may apply for interdistrict attendance in accordance with the timelines specified in applicable board policies and administrative regulations.

The district's enrollment process shall include information about the health care options and enrollment assistance available to families within the district. The district shall not discriminate against any child for not having health care coverage and shall not use any information relating to a child's health care coverage or their interest in learning about health care coverage in any manner that would harm the child or their family. (Education Code )

Legal Reference:

Education Code 48200 Children between ages of 6 and 18 years (compulsory full-time education)
Education Code 48204 Residency requirements for school attendance
Education Code 48207 Pupils with temporary disabilities in hospitals outside of school district; compliance with residency requirements
Education Code 52317 Admission of persons including non-residents to attendance area
Government Code 6207 Confidentiality of residence for victims of domestic violence
California Code of Regulations Title 5, section 432

Policy Adopted: June 3, 2003
Policy Revised: October 3, 2017
Policy Revised: April 9, 2024

Administrative Regulations 5111: Admission/Residency
Board Policy 5116.1: Intradistrict/School Choice
Board Policy 6173: Education for Students Experiencing Homelessness