



The Board of Education recognizes that the district's athletic program constitutes an integral component of the educational program and helps to build a positive school climate.Ìý The athletic program also promotes the physical, social, and emotional well-being and character development of participating students. The district's athletic program shall be designed to meet students' interests and abilities and shall be varied in scope to attract wide participation, including interscholastic, ASB approved athletic clubs, and intramural athletic activities. Athletic activities should be planned in accordance with a student’s total educational program.

All athletic teams shall be supervised by qualified coaches to ensure that student athletes receive appropriate instruction and guidance related to safety, health, sports skills, and sportsmanship.Ìý Athletic events shall be officiated by qualified personnel.

The Board encourages business and community support for district athletic programs, subject to applicable district policies and regulations governing advertisements and donations.

Nondiscrimination and Equivalent Opportunities in the Athletic Program

The district's athletic program shall be free from discrimination and discriminatory practices prohibited by state and federal law. The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that equivalent athletic opportunities are provided for males and females, and that students are permitted to participate in athletic activities consistent with their gender identity.

Any complaint regarding the district's athletic program shall be filed in accordance with the district's uniform complaint procedures.

California Interscholastic Federation (CIF)

Any district school that participates in the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) shall conduct its athletic activities in accordance with CIF bylaws and rules and any applicable district policy and regulation. The Superintendent or designee shall have responsibility for the district's interscholastic athletic program, while the principal or designee at each participating school shall be responsible for site-level decisions, as appropriate.

The Board shall annually designate a representative to the local CIF league from each school that participates in CIF sports. The Superintendent or designee shall recommend a candidate for the position who demonstrates an understanding of the district's goals for student learning and interscholastic activities, knowledge of the athletic programs, awareness of the implications of league decisions for the school and the district, and interpersonal communication and leadership skills.

The designated representative(s) shall vote on issues that impact interscholastic athletics at the league and section levels, perform any other duties required by the CIF league, and report regularly to the Board on league, section, and statewide issues related to athletic programs.

Student Eligibility

Eligibility requirements for student participation in the district's interscholastic athletic program, including requirements pertaining to academic achievement, shall be the same as those set by the district for participation in extracurricular and cocurricular activities (see BP/AR 6145).

In addition, the Superintendent or designee shall ensure that students participating in interscholastic athletics governed by CIF satisfy CIF eligibility requirements.

Fees and Donations

Students shall not be charged a fee to participate in an athletic program, including, but not limited to, a fee to cover the cost of uniforms, locks, lockers, or athletic equipment.Ìý However, programs may seek and accept donations of funds and property, and this practice is permissible as long as it is truly voluntary and in no way a prerequisite to participation in the program or activity.


The Board values the quality and integrity of the athletic program and the character development of student athletes. Student athletes, coaches, parents/guardians, spectators, and others are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and fair play during all athletic competitions. They shall also abide by the core principles of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship, and the Code of Ethics adopted by CIF.

Students and staff shall be subject to disciplinary action for improper conduct.


Transportation to athletic events shall be conducted according to Board Policy for field trips and excursions (BP/AR 6153).

Health and Safety

The Board desires to give student health and safety the highest consideration in planning and conducting athletic activities.

Students shall have a medical clearance before participating in interscholastic athletic programs.Ìý Care shall be taken to ensure that all athletic trainings and competitions are conducted in a manner that will not overtax the physical capabilities of the participants. When appropriate, protective equipment shall be used to prevent or minimize injuries.

Coaches and appropriate district employees shall take every possible precaution to ensure that athletic equipment is kept in safe and serviceable condition.Ìý The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that all athletic equipment is cleaned and inspected for safety before the beginning of each school year.

In the event of an injury or a perceived imminent risk to a student's health, such as a concussion or passing out, fainting, or other sign of sudden cardiac arrest, during or immediately after an athletic activity, the coach or any other district employee who is present shall remove the student athlete from the activity, observe universal precautions in handling blood or other bodily fluid, and/or seek medical treatment for the student as appropriate.

Whenever an injury is suffered by a student, the Superintendent or designee shall notify the student's parent/guardian of the date, time, and extent of any injury suffered by the student and any actions taken to treat the student.


Legal Reference:

200-262.4Ìý Prohibition of discrimination
17578Ìý Cleaning and sterilizing of football equipment
17580-17581Ìý Football equipment
32220-32224 Insurance for athletic teams, especially:
32221.5Ìý Required insurance for athletic activities
33353-33353.5Ìý California Interscholastic Federation; implementation of policies, insurance program
33354Ìý California Department of Education authority over interscholastic athletics
33479-33479.9 The Eric Parades Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act
35160.5Ìý District policies; rules and regulations
35179Ìý Interscholastic athletics
35179.1 California High School Coaching Education and Training Program
35179.5Ìý Interscholastic athletics; limitation on full-contact practices
48850Ìý Interscholastic athletics; students in foster care and homeless students
48900Ìý Grounds for suspension and expulsion
48930-48938Ìý Student organizations
49010-49013 Student fees
49020-49023Ìý Athletic programs; legislative intent, equal opportunity
49030-49034Ìý Performance-enhancing substances
49458Ìý Health examinations, interscholastic athletic program
49475Ìý Health and safety, concussions and head injuries
49700-49701Ìý Education of children of military families
51242Ìý Exemption from physical education for high school students in interscholastic athletic program

245.6Ìý Hazing

4900-4965Ìý Nondiscrimination in elementary and secondary education programs, especially:
4920-4922 Nondiscrimination in intramural, interscholastic, and club activities
5531Ìý Supervision of extracurricular activities of students
5590-5596Ìý Employment of noncertificated coaches

1681-1688 Discrimination based on sex or blindness, Title IX

106.31Ìý Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities
106.33Ìý Comparable facilities
106.41 Nondiscrimination in athletic programs

Mansourian v. Regents of University of California, (2010) 602 F. 3d 957
McCormick v. School District of Mamaroneck, (2004) 370 F.3d 275
Kahn v. East Side Union High School District, (2003) 31 Cal. 4th 990
Hartzell v. Connell, (1984) 35 Cal. 3d 899

(11/09Ìý 11/11)Ìý 5/17


Policy Adopted: April 9, 1973
Policy Revised: September 12, 2017

Club Sports License Agreement

Administrative Regulation 6145.2: Athletic Competition
Administrative Regulation 6145.6: District Recognition to Non-CIF (Club Sports) Athletic Teams
Administrative Regulation 6145.7: Competitive Athletic ASB Club Procedures