


The Board of Education believes it is the responsibility of the parent to work with the school to promote student safety, whenever possible. In conformance with the California Vehicle Code, students who operate or ride as a passenger on a bicycle, non-motorized or motorized scooter, or skateboard, or in-line or traditional roller skates upon a street, bikeway, or any other public bicycle path or trail shall wear a properly fitted and fastened bicycle helmet that meets the standards of law (Vehicle Code ).

As a further measure of safety, students in grade levels TK-2 shall not be permitted to ride bicycles to school.

Adherence to this policy relative to bicycle use shall be monitored by staff with student and community involvement. The helmet provisions of the Vehicle Code shall be enforced by the Irvine Police Department.

Legal Reference

Vehicle Code 21212

Board Policy Adopted: August 25, 1992
Revised: November 9, 2004
Revised: October 2, 2012
Revised: September 13, 2016

Administrative Regulation