


The Superintendent or designee shall verify that each employee in a position requiring certification qualifications possesses a valid certification document issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).聽 Such verification shall occur not later than 60 days after the commencement of employment or the renewal of a credential.聽 (Education Code 44857)

(cf. 4112.23 - Special Education Staff)

The Superintendent or designee shall maintain records of the appropriate certification of all employees serving in certificated positions.

Basic Skills Proficiency
The district shall not initially hire a person in a position requiring certification, on a permanent, temporary, or substitute basis, unless that person has demonstrated basic skills proficiency in reading, writing, and mathematics or is specifically exempted from the requirement by law.聽 (Education Code 44252, 44252.6, 44830)

The district may hire a certificated employee who has not taken a test of basic skills proficiency if he/she has not yet been afforded the opportunity to take the test, provided that he/she takes the test at the earliest opportunity. The employee may remain employed by the district pending the receipt of his/her test results.聽 (Education Code 44830)

An out-of-state prepared teacher shall meet the basic skills requirement within one year of being issued a California preliminary credential by the CTC unless he/she has completed a basic skills proficiency test in another state or is otherwise exempted by law.聽 The district shall develop a basic skills proficiency test, which shall be at least equivalent to the district test required for high school graduation, for purposes of assessing out-of-state prepared teachers pending completion of the basic skills requirement. (Education Code 44252, 44274.2; 5 CCR 80071.4, 80413.3)

Any person holding or applying for a "designated subjects special subjects" credential which does not require possession of a bachelor's degree shall pass a district proficiency test in lieu of meeting the state basic skills proficiency requirement.聽 (Education Code 44252, 44830)

The district may charge a fee to cover the costs of developing, administering, and grading the district proficiency test.聽 (Education Code 44252, 44830)

Short-Term Staff Permit
The district may request that the CTC issue a short-term staff permit (STSP) to a qualified applicant whenever there is a need to immediately fill a classroom based on unforeseen circumstances, including, but not limited to:聽 (5 CCR 80021)

  1. Enrollment adjustments requiring the addition of another teacher.
  2. Inability of the teacher of record to finish the school year due to approved leave or illness.
  3. The applicant's need for additional time to complete preservice requirements for enrollment into an approved intern program.
  4. Inability of the applicant to enroll in an approved intern program due to timelines or lack of space in the program.
  5. Unavailability of a third-year extension of an intern program or the applicant's withdrawal from an intern program.

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that the applicant possesses a bachelor's or higher degree from a regionally accredited college or university, has met the basic skills proficiency requirement unless exempted by state law or regulations, and has satisfied the coursework/experience requirements specified in 5 CCR 80021 for the multiple subject, single subject, or education specialist STSP as appropriate.聽 (5 CCR 80021)

When requesting issuance of an STSP, the Superintendent or designee shall submit to the CTC:聽 (5 CCR 80021)

  1. Verification that the district has conducted a local recruitment for the permit being requested.
  2. Verification that the district has provided the permit holder with orientation to the curriculum and to instruction and classroom management techniques and has assigned a mentor teacher for the term of the permit.
  3. Written justification for the permit signed by the Superintendent or designee.

    The holder of an STSP may be assigned to provide the same service as a holder of a multiple subject, single subject, or education specialist credential in accordance with the authorizations specified on the permit.聽 (5 CCR 80021)

Provisional Internship Permit
Before requesting that the CTC issue a provisional internship permit (PIP), the district shall conduct a diligent search for a suitable credentialed teacher or intern, including, but not be limited to, distributing job announcements, contacting college and university placement centers, and advertising in print or electronic media.聽 (5 CCR 80021.1)

(cf. 4111- Recruitment and Selection)

Whenever a suitable credentialed teacher cannot be found after a diligent search, the Superintendent or designee may request that the CTC issue a PIP to an applicant who possesses a bachelor's or higher degree from a regionally accredited college or university, has met the basic skills proficiency requirement unless exempted by state law or regulations, and has satisfied the coursework/experience requirements specified in 5 CCR 80021.1 for the multiple subject, single subject, or education specialist PIP as appropriate.聽 (5 CCR 80021.1)

When submitting the request for a PIP, the district shall provide verification of all of the following:聽 (5 CCR 80021.1, 80026.5)

  1. A diligent search has been conducted for a suitable credentialed teacher or suitable qualified intern as evidenced by documentation of the search.
  2. Orientation, guidance, and assistance shall be provided to the permit holder as specified in 5 CCR 80026.5.

    The orientation shall include, but not be limited to, an overview of the curriculum the permit holder is expected to teach and effective instruction and classroom management techniques at the permit holder's assigned level. The permit holder also shall receive guidance and assistance from an experienced educator who is a certificated district employee or a certificated retiree from a California district or county office of education and who has completed at least three years of full-time classroom teaching experience.
  3. The district shall assist the permit holder in developing a personalized plan through a district-selected assessment that would lead to subject-matter competence related to the permit.
  4. The district shall assist the permit holder to seek and enroll in subject-matter training, such as workshops or seminars and site-based courses, along with training in test-taking strategies, and shall assist the permit holder in meeting the credential subject-matter competence requirement related to the permit.
  5. A notice of intent to employ the applicant in the identified position has been made public. The district shall submit a copy of the agenda item presented at a public Governing Board meeting which shall state the name of the applicant, the assignment in which the applicant will be employed including the name of the school, subject(s), and grade(s) that he/she will be teaching, and that the applicant will be employed on the basis of a PIP. The district also shall submit a signed statement from the Superintendent or designee that the agenda item was acted upon favorably.
  6. The candidate has been apprised of steps to earn a credential and enroll in an intern program.

The holder of a PIP may be assigned to provide the same service as a holder of a multiple subject, single subject, or education specialist credential in accordance with the authorizations specified on the permit.聽 (5 CCR 80021.1)

Long-Term Emergency Permits
As necessary, the Superintendent or designee may request that the CTC issue an emergency resource specialist permit, emergency teacher librarian services permit, emergency crosscultural language and academic development permit, or emergency bilingual authorization permit.聽 (5 CCR 80024.3.1, 80024.6, 80024.7, 80024.8)

The Superintendent or designee shall provide any first-time recipient of an emergency teaching permit with an orientation which, to the extent reasonably feasible, shall occur before he/she begins a teaching assignment. The Superintendent or designee may vary the nature, content, and duration of the orientation to match the amount of training and experience previously completed by the emergency permit teacher. The orientation shall include, but not be limited to, the curriculum the teacher is expected to teach and effective techniques of classroom instruction and classroom management at the assigned grade-level span.聽 The emergency permit holder also shall receive guidance and assistance from an experienced educator who is a certificated district employee or a certificated retiree from a California district or county office of education and who has completed at least three years of full-time classroom teaching experience.聽 (5 CCR 80026.5)

Emergency Substitute Teaching Permits

  1. For day-to-day substitute teaching at any grade level, the district may employ a person with an emergency substitute permit issued by the CTC, provided that:
    A person holding an emergency 30-day substitute teaching permit, or any valid teaching or services credential that requires at least a bachelor's degree and completion of the CBEST, shall not serve as a substitute for more than 30 days for any one teacher during the school year.聽 He/she shall not serve as a substitute in a special education classroom for more than 20 days for any one teacher during the school year. (5 CCR 80025, 80025.3, 80025.4)
  2. A person with an emergency career substitute teaching permit shall not serve as a substitute for more than 60 days for any one teacher during the school year.聽 (5 CCR 80025.1)
  3. A person with an emergency substitute teaching permit for prospective teachers shall not serve as a substitute for more than 30 days for any one teacher during the school year and not more than 90 days total during the school year.聽 (5 CCR 80025.2)
  4. A person with an emergency designated subjects 30-day substitute teaching permit for career technical education shall teach only in a program of technical, trade, or vocational education and not serve as a substitute for more than 30 days for any one teacher during the school year. (5 CCR 80025.5)

Before employing a person with an emergency substitute permit pursuant to item #1 or 4 above, the Superintendent or designee shall prepare and keep on file a signed Statement of Need for the school year. The Statement of Need shall describe the situation or circumstances that necessitate the use of a 30-day substitute permit holder and state either that a credentialed person is not available or that the available credentialed person does not meet the district's specified employment criteria. (5 CCR 80025, 80025.5)

October 2016