


The Board may hold Closed Sessions to consider personnel matters; consider employment or dismissal of an employee; give direction to its designated representative in negotiations; hear complaints or charges against any employee; or consider the expulsion, suspension, or disciplinary actions, or any other action, in connection with any pupil of the 澳门开奖网, if a public hearing would lead to giving out of information concerning the pupil; and to consider legal matters within the attorney/client privilege. Discussion of the subject matters listed above, or any other matters authorized by law or Closed Session, shall be kept confidential except to the extent they are expressed in Board Minutes.

The presiding officer shall declare the Board in Closed Session on items noted above if:

  1. the item is so designated on the agenda;
  2. the item is requested by a Board Member and a majority of the Board concurs; or
  3. a specific student or adult staff member is cited in conversation or presentation in connection with a personnel or pupil personnel problem.

The presiding officer can clear the room of any non-Board member, or adjourn to another location.

It shall be the practice of the Board of Education to state in the agenda of any regular or special meeting that a closed session is planned, and to state the general reason or reasons for the closed session. When it is determined that a closed session is needed during a regular public board meeting and no closed session was announced in the agenda, the presiding officer shall publicly announce the reason(s) for the closed session before adjourning into the closed session.

Policy Adopted: November 3, 1980
Policy Revised: November 6, 1984