


Informal Level

The complainant and his immediate supervisor shall attempt to resolve a difficulty by an informal conference. In the event the complainant is not satisfied informally, the complainant may prepare a written, specific formal complaint and proceed through the complaint resolution process.

Formal Level

A. Level One

Within ten working days or after the complainant knows by reasonable diligence after the occurrence of the alleged act or omission giving rise to the complaint, the complainant shall complete and file a complaint form with the employer. The filing of the complaint shall be acknowledged by the dated signature of the person receiving the complaint.

The employee and the immediate supervisor shall confer within ten working days following the filing of the complaint. Either party to the complaint may have conferees present if the minimum notice of two working days has been given to the other party.

The immediate supervisor shall render a written decision within five working days after the conference.

B. Level Two

If the complainant is not satisfied with the disposition at Level One or if a written decision has not been rendered within ten working days after the meeting with the immediate supervisor in Level One, the complainant may appeal the complaint in writing to the Superintendent.

Within five working days from the receipt of the appeal by the Superintendent, the Superintendent or his designee shall meet with the complainant and any conferees either party may desire.

The superintendent or superintendent鈥檚 designee shall respond by sending to the complainant a written disposition of the appeal within five working days of the meeting.

C. Level Three

If the complainant is not satisfied with the disposition of the complaint at Level Two or if a written decision has not been rendered by the superintendent or his designee within five working days, the complainant may request, in writing, that the dispute be submitted to the Board of Education for a hearing at which both parties shall be entitled to have conferees present. The decision of the Board of Education shall be rendered within twenty (20) working days.

September 22, 1976
August 31, 2004 (number changed from 4119(a) to 4120)