


Appropriate Events for Employee Attendance

Events appropriate for employee attendance include, but are not limited to, those sponsored by professional associations such as the California Association of School Administrators, California School Business Officials, National Association of Elementary School Principals, National Association of Secondary School Principals, National School Boards Association, California School Boards Association, American Association of School Personnel Administrators, California Association of School Psychologists and Psychometrists. Attendance at professional conferences such as Association of Supervision of Curriculum and Development and National Staff Development Council and others approved by the Superintendent or designee may also be encouraged.

Employees Authorized to Attend:

  • Those employees whose area of responsibility is affected by the subject meeting
  • Those employees whose professional development would be augmented by attendance
  • Those employees who in the judgment of the Superintendent or his designee will benefit from the meeting

Criteria for Approval of Attendance:

  • Potential advantage for students and staff of the District
  • Potential advantage for the students or staff of a specific school or situation within the District as determined by the principal and approved by the Superintendent

Participants Shall:

  • Make a written report on the meeting when directed by the principal or Superintendent
  • Share information and knowledge gained with other staff in the District, as appropriate
  • Make every effort to evaluate and implement knowledge gained for the benefit of students within the District

Procedure for Travel/Conference Request and Reimbursement:

  • COMPLETE TRAVEL APPROVAL REQUEST FORM: with all information, including budget category. Obtain principal鈥檚 or supervisor鈥檚 signature, then submit form to the Human Resources office for in-state travel and Superintendent's office for out-of-state travel.
    • Cash Advance: If requested, cash advance payment may not exceed 75% of estimated "out-of-pocket" expenses approved; advancement receipt must be signed.
    • Pre-registration: If District-paid pre-registration is requested, three copies of registration form must be submitted with appropriate sections fully completed.
    • TRAVEL EXPENSE CLAIM must be completed to obtain reimbursement. Submit to the Office of Business Services for processing.
    • Receipts: Itemized receipts are needed for all expenses.
  • The term 鈥渁ctual and necessary expenses鈥 shall include, but not be limited to the following:
    • Mileage allowances at the Board-established rate not to exceed the minimum cost of airfare and automobile rentals.
    • Airfare (best price/coach)
    • Automobile rentals
    • Taxi and bus fares
    • Parking fees and bridge tolls
    • Meals and beverages: Breakfast ($15) Lunch ($20) Dinner ($35) (Totaling $70 daily). Meals may include gratuity up to 15% but will only be reimbursed up to the maximums set above. Detailed receipts must accompany reimbursement requests. At no time will alcoholic beverage be reimbursed.

Reviewed August, 2004
Revised: February 21, 2012