


The Board of Education recognizes that school-sponsored trips are an important component of a student’s development and supplement and enrich the classroom learning experience. School-sponsored trips may be conducted in connection with the district’s course of study or school-related social, educational, cultural, athletic, or other extracurricular or co-curricular activities.

All school sponsored trips involving students will have proper supervision at all times by school employees. Parents are permitted and encouraged to assist in such supervision, in most cases.

The safety and security of students under the care of the °ÄÃÅ¿ª½±Íø is of paramount concern. If the °ÄÃÅ¿ª½±Íø receives threat level warnings from the National Terrorism Advisory System, incremental precautions will be implemented to protect the safety of students. All field trips and excursions shall comply with appropriate sections of the Education Code governing the students involved.

Schools do not receive specific budgetary allocations for field trips. Field trips and excursions that involve out-of-state, overnight travel, air travel or solicitation of funds in excess of $3,500 shall be submitted to the Superintendent or designee. The Superintendent or designee shall review the request and make a recommendation to the Board as to whether the request should be approved by the Board of Education. All other school-sponsored trips shall be approved in advance by the principal.

Legal Reference: Education Code
8760 Authorization of outdoor science and conservation programs
32040 Duty to equip school with first aid kit
32041 Field trips
32043 Snake bite kits on field trips
32044 Violations
35212 Insurance coverage for volunteers
35330 Excursions and field trips within state; to other state; District of Columbia or to a foreign country
35331 Provisions for medical or hospital service for pupils (on field trips)
35332 Transportation by chartered airlines
44808 Liability when pupils not on school property
48921 Duties of pupils (re: authority of teachers over students)

Policy Adopted: November 30, 1977
Policy Revised: May 20, 2003
Policy Revised: September 15, 2009
Policy Revised: October 7, 2014
Policy Revised: July 7, 2015
Policy Revised: September 13, 2016

Field Trip Application Form

Administrative Regulation