


The 澳门开奖网 enjoys exceptional support from the community. Parents, guardians, and community members participate fully as partners in the educational experiences provided for our students. The quality of the District's programs and services are strengthened through this involvement.

The community has contributed generously to the District's schools and programs through cash donations in support of specific programs and/or services. District practice permits parent or program support groups to provide gift funds to augment existing site programs and/or staff time beyond that provided by the school or District for a particular program, as well as specific school-site program enhancements.

The Board of Education believes students served by the District are entitled to an equitable educational experience and opportunity, regardless of the school they attend. To the extent that funds raised by individual schools have effects that are similar among the schools, or effects that are relatively marginal, the equitability test is met. Funds raised by schools that create significant or substantive disparity in the learning opportunities of students from one school to another, however, violate the entitlement to equitability.

Organizations desiring to raise money in support of school programs or services must first obtain approval by the school principal or designee, or in the case of district-wide efforts, the approval of the Superintendent or designee, prior to scheduling any activity.

The following guidelines apply only to District or school employees, and provide parameters for the funding of additional staffing in support of a specific school program beyond that otherwise provided in allocations from the unrestricted General Fund:

1. Overall Funding

  1. Selected programs and services that are candidates for additional staffing may be identified by the District, and shall be offered only on the condition that sufficient funds are raised to offer such program or service district-wide. (Examples to date: Class Size Reduction, Athletic Coaches)
  2. Individual schools may hire personnel beyond the district allocation only with expressed district approval.听 District approval shall consider factors such as whether there is an ongoing district commitment to an employee should such special funding cease, and whether a significant disparity in the learning opportunities is created.
  3. An expenditure for personnel hired by an individual school beyond the district allocation shall be limited in aggregate to certificated FTE as calculated at 0.1 per 100 enrolled students. The conversion rate from certificated FTE to classified hours shall be 0.1 FTE to 2.0 hours per day. Any such position that receives benefits shall be encumbered for that expense at a full FTE.
  4. No limit is placed on use of community funds for equipment or other one-time cost items. (Note that items relative to facilities require approval.)

2. Funding of Certificated Staff

  1. The District retains the right to select the teacher to provide the service.
  2. A written letter of commitment by March 1 and 25% of the necessary funds must be received by June 1 for support of additional staff.
  3. A written letter of commitment by March 1 and 50% of the necessary funds must be received by June 1 for support of continuing staff.
  4. The teacher shall be employed on a temporary (limited term) contract for one semester/trimester, with renewal based on availability of funding.
  5. Recommendations for employment of certificated staff shall include the number of days of service and a work calendar/schedule.
  6. This option is available for support/specialty teachers only, except where required by a specific funding source/grant.
  7. Hiring shall be conditioned on an approved plan that covers all salary and related benefits costs, beyond those covered from other sources, incurred for the period of employment.

3. Funding of Classified Staff

  1. Gift funds must cover all salary and related benefits costs incurred for the period of employment.
  2. A written letter of commitment and 50% of the necessary funding must be received prior to administrative approval of additional staffing for the site.
  3. A written letter of commitment by March 1and 50% of the necessary funding must be received by June 1 for support of continuing staff.
  4. Note that funding of classified staff with gift funds for six months or 75% of the school year will create an ongoing employment obligation.
  5. Recommendations for employment of classified staff shall include the number of days of service and a work calendar/schedule.

4. Funding for Programs/Services at an Individual School Site

  1. In the event that gift funds do not cover costs, site discretionary funds shall make up the difference.

5. Funding for District-wide Programs/Services

  1. For first-time funding sources outside the Irvine Public Schools Foundation, a 25% advance payment is required by March 1.

August 30, 2005
See also Athletic Coach's Handbook (2/94)