

BOARD POLICY - 5141.33

The Board of Education recognizes that head lice among students requires treatment but does not pose a risk of transmitting disease. The Superintendent or designee shall encourage early detection and treatment in a manner that minimizes disruption to the educational program and reduces student absences.

If a student is found with active, adult head lice, the parent/guardian will be notified and may pick up the student, however, the student shall be allowed to stay in school until the end of the school day.The parent/guardian of any such student shall be given information about the treatment of head lice and encouraged to begin treatment of the student immediately and to check all parties that reside with the student. The parent/guardian also shall be informed that the student shall be checked upon return to school the next school day and allowed to remain in school if no active head lice are detected.

Upon the student's return to school, the school nurse or designee shall check the student for active head lice. If it is determined that the student remains infected with head lice, the school nurse or designee shall contact the student's parent/guardian to discuss treatment.As needed, the school nurse or designee may provide additional resources and/or referral to the local health department, health care providers, or other agencies.

If a student is found consistently infected with head lice, he/she may be referred to a multidisciplinary team, which may consist of the school nurse, representatives from the local health department and social services, and other appropriate individuals, to determine the best approach for identifying and resolving problems contributing to the student's head lice.

When it is determined that three or more students in a class or school are infected with head lice, the principal or designee may, at his/her discretion, notify parents/guardians of students in that class or school and provide them with information about the detection and treatment of head lice.

Staff shall maintain the privacy of students identified as having head lice.

Legal Reference:


48210-48216 Persons Excluded

49451 Physical Examination: Parent's Refusal to Consent

Policy Adopted: June 2, 2009
Policy Revised: July 11, 2023