


To ensure that we continue to provide opportunities for students who are interested in participating in sports that are not already offered on campus, we have developed a process by which students can initiate recognition for an Athletic ASB Competitive Club.

In the fall, after each high school has disaggregated information from the athletic student interest survey, the Activities Director and Clubs Commissioner will hold a meeting to review with interested students the Competitive Athletic Club Initiation Guidelines as well as to discuss current Competitive Club offerings.


Students can initiate the process by following these steps:

  1. Identify a certificated teacher to serve as the advisor of the club.
  2. Complete a request form and submit the form with specified accompanying materials to the ASB Cabinet for approval.
  1. ÌýÌý​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The completed club constitution MUST accompany the request. The constitution MUST contain each of the articles listed on the sample club constitution. No club may limit its membership on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender or any other discriminatory means.
  2. The advisor, the activities AND athletic director and a minimum of 20 students from the school must sign the request. Their signatures indicate that they have both read and support the club’s constitution.
  3. A proposed schedule for competition with an approved facilities request must be included with the request form. (*Because our facilities and fields are highly impacted competition may need to occur off site. California Interscholastic Federation sports will maintain first priority for facilities.)
  4. To retain and maintain active membership in the club, students must meet requirements for participation in extracurricular activities which include passing a minimum of 20 units, maintaining a 2.0 GPA, and obtaining an annual physical examination along with parental consent.Ìý
  5. A budget that includes how the club will fundraise to pay for transportation to off campus events and/or competitions and officials.Ìý

A new competitive club will be recognized after these steps have been taken and will remain in good standing only as long as they continue to fulfill the requirements outlined above.


  • Turn in a copy of the club’s constitution and make sure that the club is chartered by the ASB. Petitions for new clubs and continuing club recognition are available in the student activities center.
  • Follow fiscal guidelines and procedures as identified though school ASB.
  • Attend EVERY meeting or activity planned on campus; formally recognized club activities held off campus must also be attended by the advisor.
  • Keep track of attendance and monitor behavior, and verify that the club president turns in a copy of the minutes from each club meeting to the ASB Clubs Commissioner.
  • Submit, during the school year, the minutes of every meeting, including regular financial reports, to the Clubs Commissioner after each meeting.
  • Assist students in making their own decisions. Help students to clarify their goals, to work through their problems, to plan activities and to continually evaluate their efforts.
  • Supervise nomination and appointment of officers and members.
  • Be aware of all events and actions being planned; ALWAYS OBTAIN MASTER CALENDAR APPROVAL AT LEAST THREE WEEKS IN ADVANCE.
  • Turn in competition planner to the activities director a MINIMUM OF THREE WEEKS before the date.
  • Facilitate purchase of materials for fundraisers, pep rallies, etc.; make sure that ALL MONEY is run through the student activities office. DO NOT TAKE MONEY HOME. You will receive a receipt at the time that you deposit money. The ASB secretary will pay invoices for purchases. When checks are needed, a disbursement request must be turned in to the Student Activities Center. All disbursements must be signed by the advisor to be valid. If you wish to be reimbursed, you must have a receipt or a purchase order.
  • Clear all fund-raising through the activities director. Club sponsors must fill out a fund-raising request; clubs should sign up for fund-raising during the Calendar Signing Party. (This date will always be announced.)
  • Approve and sign all club announcements.
  • Obtain permission slips when necessary and keep them on file for the year.
  • Complete transportation requests three weeks prior to events and arrange for transportation.
  • Supervise publicity to ensure that all publicity has been approved by Activities and make sure that none of the club or council posters appear on painted surfaces and only blue painters tape is used on all surfaces.
  • Obtain insurance for high-risk clubs. *See high-risk club insurance procedures.
  • Verify that the Club President or one representative of the club attend every Inter Club Council Meeting. The advisor must attend the first and last meeting of the year.