


The 澳门开奖网 is committed to providing a wide range of educational opportunities and an academic environment that will enhance each student's educational success and enable them to graduate from high school to become contributing members of the community. Nothing in this involuntary transfer policy or subsequent administrative regulations is meant to discourage the voluntary enrollment of students throughout the 澳门开奖网.

Periodically, however, it is necessary and in the best interest of a student to administratively transfer him/her to another school or program within the 澳门开奖网 in order to improve the likelihood of success.

This policy and the administrative regulations governing involuntary transfers are deemed necessary in order to provide the district additional opportunities to improve a student's behavior, attendance, and/or performance in school. Such transfers include involuntary transfer to continuation high school, assignment to an Opportunity Program, and adjustment transfers to another K-12 school. Involuntary transfers will be considered only when other intervention strategies have not been successful in bringing about student improvement.

The decision to involuntarily transfer a student from one school to another school within the District is an administrative decision which will be made only after considering the best educational interests of the student, staff and other students from the referring school. It is the intent of this policy to involve students and their parents/guardians in any administrative decision that may result in the involuntary transfer of the student.

The administrative decision to involuntarily transfer a student follows specific legislative statutes and procedures as adopted by the Board of Education pursuant to this policy. The Superintendent or designee shall develop administrative regulations governing the involuntary transfer of students within the district.

Legal References: Education Code
48432.5 Involuntary Transfer of Pupils to Continuation School
48630 et.seq. Opportunity schools/classes

Policy Adopted: May 20, 1997

Administrative Regulation