


The Board of Education has the primary function of providing policies to guide the actions of those to whom it delegates authority. These policies shall be recorded in writing.

The formulation and adoption of these written policies shall constitute one method by which the Board of Education shall exercise its leadership in the operation of the school system.

In formulating policies, the Board shall adopt general principles and statements of intent. The Superintendent and his/her professional staff shall take action therewith. Application of such policies to individual problems and tasks is an administrative function to be performed by the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall, in turn, when necessary, or when directed by the Board of Education, prepare written regulations to insure the implementation of Board policy.

The Superintendent, in cooperation with staff and the Board, shall recommend policies for adoption and recommend revision of existing policies. Policies and/or revisions may be proposed by any member of the Board, by any lay group or organization, or by any member of the public.

Specific policy proposals and suggested amendments to or revisions of existing policies shall be submitted to all members of the Board in writing prior to a regularly scheduled Board Meeting. No policy or amendment or revision shall be adopted unless it has been discussed at a meeting prior to adoption, unless a majority of the Board votes otherwise.

It shall be the duty of the Board to reappraise its policies periodically in view of the changing needs of the community and schools.

Policy Adopted: November 3, 1980
Policy Revised: February 16, 2016