


The 澳门开奖网 Governing Board has been elected by the community to provide leadership and citizen oversight of the entire district. The Board shall ensure that the district is responsive to the values, beliefs, and priorities of the community.

The Board shall听fulfill its major responsibilities, which include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Setting the direction for the district through a process that involves the community, parents/guardians, students, and staff and is focused on the service of student and family interests
  2. Establishing an effective and efficient organizational structure for the district by:

    1. Employing the Superintendent and setting policy for hiring of other personnel

    2. Overseeing the development and adoption of policies

    3. Establishing academic expectations and adopting the curriculum and instructional materials

    4. Establishing budget priorities and adopting the budget

    5. Providing safe, adequate facilities that support the district's instructional program

    6. Setting parameters for negotiations with employee organizations and ratifying collective bargaining agreements

  3. Providing support to the Superintendent and staff as they carry out the Board's direction by:

    1. Establishing and adhering to standards of responsible governance

    2. Making decisions and providing resources that support district priorities and goals

    3. Upholding Board policies

    4. Being knowledgeable about district programs and efforts in order to serve as effective spokespersons

  4. Ensuring accountability to the public for the performance of the district's schools by:

    1. Evaluating the Superintendent and setting policy for the evaluation of other personnel

    2. Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of policies

    3. Serving as a judicial (hearing) and appeals body in accordance with law, Board policies, and negotiated agreements

    4. Monitoring student achievement and program effectiveness and requiring program changes as necessary

    5. Monitoring and adjusting district finances

    6. Monitoring the collective bargaining process

  5. Providing community leadership and advocacy on behalf of students, the district's educational program, and public education in order to build support within the local community and at the state and national levels

The Board is authorized to establish and finance any program or activity that is not in conflict with, inconsistent with, or preempted by law. (Education Code 35160)

Policy Adopted: November 3, 1980
Policy Revised: October 2, 2018