

BOARD POLICY - 6162.5聽

The Board of Education recognizes that student assessment is an important instructional and accountability tool. Assessment data shall be used to help determine individual students' progress, mastery of academic standards, appropriate placement in District programs, and/or eligibility for graduation. In addition, summary data on student assessment results shall be used by the District to help identify and review student achievement goals in the District's Local Control and Accountability Plan, and evaluate District educational programs.

To obtain the most accurate evaluation of student performance, the District shall use a variety of measures, including district, state, and/or national assessments. As appropriate, assessment results shall be disaggregated by student subgroup, classroom, grade level, and/or school site to allow for critical analysis of student needs.

The Board of Education recognizes that state achievement test results measure student progress in achieving state academic standards and will be used as one measure to inform high-quality teaching and learning. The Superintendent or designee shall administer mandatory student assessments as required by law and in accordance with board policy and administrative regulation.

The Board of Education strongly encourages all students at the applicable grade levels to participate in state assessment in order to maximize the usefulness of the data and enable the District to meet participation levels required for state and federal accountability systems. The Superintendent or designee shall notify students and parents/guardians about the importance of these assessments and shall develop strategies to encourage student participation. Students shall be exempted from participation only in accordance with law and administrative regulation.

The Board shall annually examine state assessment results as one measure of the District's progress in attaining its student achievement goals and shall revise the Local Control and Accountability Plan and other District or school plans as necessary to improve student achievement for underperforming student groups.

Legal Reference:

Education Code 52052
Education Code 52060, as added by AB 97 (Ch. 47, Statutes of 2013)
Education Code

Policy Adopted: April 9, 1973
Policy Revised: April 23, 2019

Administrative Regulation