


Student publications shall serve as educational tools, as media for reporting school events, as means of expression for students and the public, as forums for discourse on issues, and as sources of entertainment and enlightenment.

The Irvine Unified Board of Education upholds and encourages freedom of the press and freedom of expression, as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. It recognizes that student publications may not be subjected to prior restraint or censorship, except to require that the legal responsibilities be met and that orderly operation of the school not be impaired, as required in this policy.

Student authors and editors are responsible for the quality and content of student publications. They shall refrain from publishing libelous or obscene material, as determined by the prevailing standard in local newspapers of general circulation (Irvine World News, Los Angeles Times, Daily Pilot, the O.C. Register, etc.). Nor shall they publish articles which create a clear and present danger of immediate and substantial disruption of the school, or which encourage the violation of lawful school regulation or the commission of unlawful acts on school premises.

School officials shall reasonably regulate the time, place, and manner of distribution of student publications, when these publications are distributed on campus. It shall be the responsibility of a journalism advisor or advisors of student publications within each school to supervise the production of the student staff, to maintain professional standards of English and journalism, and to maintain the provisions of this policy.

Should the principal decide that an article or portion of an article violates this policy, he/she may prevent publication, pending appeal. The author or editor may appeal to the Superintendent (or designee), who has two working days to render a decision. In the hearing, the burden of proof falls upon the principal to indicate that the article does violate law and/or this policy. The Superintendent's decision may be appealed to the Board of Education at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Policy Adopted: February 8, 1978