


In order to improve the academic achievement of district schools eligible to receive Title I federal funds, the District shall use federal Title I funds to provide eligible students with supplementary services to reinforce the core curriculum and assist students in attaining proficiency on state academic standards and assessments.

Title I funds shall be used to supplement, not supplant, funds available from state and local sources for the education of students participating in Title I Programs. Ìý(20 USC 6314, 6321)

The Superintendent or designee shall provide technical assistance and support to any school participating in the Title I program, including consultation on the development and implementation of school plans and activities. (20 USC 6312)

Descriptions of how the District will address the required components of the Title I local educational agency plan, as specified in 20 USC 6312, Ìýand other applicable provisions of law, shall be included within the District's Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and the LCAP Federal Addendum. School-level strategies shall be aligned with the District's plan and tailored to the specific needs of the students at the school.

Parent Involvement

The District and each school receiving Title I funds shall develop a written parent/guardian and family engagement involvement policy in accordance with 20 USC 6318.

Comparability of Services

State and local funds used in schools receiving Title I funds shall provide services that, taken as a whole, are at least comparable to services in schools that are not receiving Title I funds, that are substantially comparable in each school. Comparability may be determined on a school-by-school basis or by grade span. (20 USC 6321)

To demonstrate comparability of services:Ìý

The Board of Education shall adopt and maintain a districtwide salary schedule.Ìý

The District shall ensureÌýequivalence in teachers, administrators, and other staff, as measured by the student to full-time equivalent ratio at each Title I school, to ensure schools fall within a thirty (30) percent variance of the average ratio across non-Title I schools.Ìý The District may consider a school comparable if the ratio is less than or equal to one hundred-fifteen (115) percent of the average of all schools within a grade span and greater than or equal to eighty (85) percent of the average of all schools within a grade span.Ìý

Salary expenditures for instructional staff at each Title I school shall be no less than ninety (90) percent of the average salary expenditure across non-Title I schools.Ìý

In determining comparability, the District shall not include staff salary differentials for years of employment. The District also may exclude unpredictable changes in student enrollment or personnel assignments that occur after the beginning of the school year, state and local funds expended for language instruction educational programs, state and local funds expended for the excess costs of providing services to students with disabilities, and supplemental state or local funds expended in any school attendance area or school for programs that specifically meet the intent and purposes of Title I. (20 USC 6321)Ìý

All District schools shall be provided with the same level of base funding per student for curriculum and instructional materials. Title I schools shall receive the same level of base funding as non-Title I schools for curriculum and instructional materials.Ìý

At the beginning of each school year, the Superintendent or designee shall measure comparability in accordance with the above criteria and maintain records documenting the District's compliance. If any instances of non-comparability are identified, the Superintendent or designee shall promptly implement adjustments as needed to ensure comparability.

Participation of Private School Students

The District shall provide or contract to provide educational services, instructional services (including evaluations to determine the progress being made in meeting students’ academic needs), counseling, mentoring, one-on-one tutoring, or other Title I benefits to eligible private school students residing in a participating school attendance area. Such services and benefits shall be provided on an equitable basis in comparison to services and other benefits for public school students. (20 USC 6320, 7881)

Program Evaluation

The Board shall regularly monitor the progress of economically disadvantaged and low-achieving students in Title I schools. During the annual evaluation of the District’s progress toward achieving each goal identified in the LCAP or other planning documents addressing 20 USC 6312, the Board of Education shall review academic achievement, school attendance, and other available measures or indicators to ensure that strategies are revised as necessary to support continuous improvement.


Legal Reference:

Education Code

11503 Parent involvement programs in Title I school

52055.57 Districts identified or at risk of identification for program improvement

54420-54425 State Compensatory Education

64001 Single plan for student achievement, consolidated application programs


United States code, Title 20

6301 Program purpose
6311-6322 Improving basic programs for disadvantaged students, including:
6312 Local educational agency plan
6313 Eligibility of schools and school attendance areas: funding allocation
6314 Title I schoolwide programs
6315 Targeted assistance schools
6316 School improvement
6318 Parent Involvement
6320 Participation of private school students
6321 Comparability of services
7881 Participation of private school students


Policy Adopted: June 3, 2003
Policy Revised: February 21, 2017

Policy Revised: August 27, 2024

Administrative Regulation 6171: Title I Programs