
CTE – Frequently Asked Questions

What is CTE?
Career and technical education is a program developed around industry sectors that integrate core academic and technicalknowledge to provide students with a pathway to post-secondary education and careers. With California’s investment in careerpathways, it is a great time to build a bridge to the future through CTE. Students can explore careers in a variety of industriesand begin to build technical and professional “soft skills” that prepares them to be both college and career ready. In thesehands-on, project based learning programs, students build skills that are transferable to any career. Students in CTE courseshave opportunities to interact with industry through guest speakers, field trips, competition and showcase events.

What is a CTE Pathway?

A CTE pathway is a sequence of 2 or more courses in thesame industry sector. Students completing the pathway areequipped with technical and professional skills for careerentry or for continued education in college/university afterhigh school. Some singleton, CTE courses are offered thatare not in a pathway.

Can I change pathways?

Once a student starts a pathway, it is recommended that theycontinue the sequence, but this is not required. To be apathway completer, students need to finish at least two CTE courses in the pathway, including the final capstone course. Students have the freedom to change pathways, and take stand-alone electives for enrichment.

Can I take just the 1st year course?

Year 1 and Year 2 CTE courses can be taken as singletoncourses. Some students find they want to explore multiplecareers and take the year 1 course in different pathways, orthere is no room in their schedule to take the advanced, completer course. Can I skip the year 1 course in a pathway?With permission from the instructor, students who havedemonstrated advanced technical skills and team work andcollaboration skills, may be able to enroll in the year 2course. Eighth grade students demonstrating advanced skillsin Engineering/Robotics or Digital, Visual edia/Videomay enroll in year 2 with permission from both the middleand high school teachers.

Can I get college credit for completing a CTEcourse?

Many CTE courses have an articulationagreement with a community college that recognizes thehigh school course as being equivalent to the college course.Graduates who enroll in the community college may receivecollege credit for the high school articulated CTE course.Ask your counselor which colleges offer credit forarticulated courses and how you can get college credit whenyou enroll in the college.

Why should I be a CTE pathway completer?

Graduates say they had more real-world opportunities in CTE courses. CTE participants in high school enter college and careers with the ability to be innovative, critical thinkers because they have learned to connect their core academic courses with transferable, professional skills. CTE programs infuse industry connections through guest speakers, tours,competition and showcase events where students receivefeedback from industry professionals.

Is CTE for college-bound students?

Yes, CTE is a great way to prepare for college bydistinguishing yourself with skills that will transfer to any career. CTE pathway completers are also prepared for lifeafter college because pathways connect academiclearning to real-world applications.

Are CTE pathway courses UC a-g?

Most of ſ CTE courses are approved for the UC-a-gdesignation. Over the last several years, UC has helpedfacilitate the development of courses that advance CTEknowledge while meeting the academic requirements foradmission to California’s public universities. More than11,000 CTE courses meet the a-g requirement.

Can 9th grade students enroll in a CTEcourse?

Yes. CTE courses are available to ninthgraders. Enrollment is dependent on whether there isroom in your schedule during the period in which thecourse is taught. After school ROP courses are goodoptions to explore a career and are available to students ingrades 9 through 12.

Is CTE available in the middle school?

Hands-oncareer exploration courses are offered inEngineering/Robotics, and in Digital Visual Media andVideo production. Middle schools is a good time toexplore a career and to build skills that will help you inany career and in college. These skills include criticalthinking, problem solving and working in teams to createa product.

What is dual enrollment?

In partnership with Irvine Valley College, ſ offers afew college courses that are taught at the high school,during the bell schedule and after school. Although thesecourses may not be CTE pathway courses, they doprepare students with college and career readiness skills.Students enrolled in the course may receive credit onboth the ſ high school transcript and the IVC collegetranscript.

What is an ROP course?

ROP (Regional Occupation Program) is a state fundedpublic education program. ſ partners with CoastlineROP to offer CTE courses, in-bell, after school andduring the summer for students in grades 9-12. Manycourses are UC a-g approved and internships areavailable. Visit the College and Career at your highschool to find out about all the possibilities to explore acareer and get high school credit. The ROP courseschedule is on the web at www.coastlinerop.net .