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In the Entrepreneurship course, simulate a business and negotiate with other organizations under the guidelines of the US Network of Virtual Enterprises, Students learn all aspects of a real-world business as they build their company with corporate Human Resources, IT, Accounting, Marketing, Sales, Finance, Communications departments. Students participate in regional and statewide trade shows where they participate in judged competitions in all areas of their business, from trade booth, to business plan to elevator sales pitch, this is an exciting and valuable learning experience that will be an asset to students in any career and higher education program.

Program Details

The Entrepreneurship pathway course, Virtual Enterprise, replicates all the functions of real businesses in both structure and practice. Students work in different departments: Communications, Technology, Accounting, Sales, Marketing and Human Resources. Communications writes to other organizations and takes care of posting on social media and websites. Technology builds websites, makes sure information is available to customers and manages social media. Accounting takes care of systems such as financial projections, asset management and payroll. Sales keeps track of sales market trends. Marketing advertises the company's product and services, manages social media and decides the target market and audience. Fundraising/event planning is a part of Marketing, and organizes special occasions to market the company's service or products. Human Resources addresses employee relationship management, employee behavior and salaries. Virtual Enterprise trade shows are an integral part of the course, displaying the company's product and competing with Virtual Enterprise companies throughout the state. Companies showcase their business plans, marketing plans and HR manuals and are judged by business industry professionals.

Participating Schools

This program is offered at听University High School.

Curriculum Standards


Virtual Enterprise International (VEI): VEI transforms students into business professionals by bringing the workplace into the classroom.

Coastline ROP (Regional Occupation Program): The district's partnership with Coastline ROP provides opportunities for students to explore careers in all fifteen CA recognized industry sectors through after school and summer courses. These opportunities include courses in Business and many other high demand careers, such as Healthcare, Retail Sales, EMT and Sports Medicine, and internships in a variety of industry sector courses.

Post Secondary Education: See your Counselor or the ROP Coordinator for more information about post-secondary options in the Entrepreneurship and Business Pathways.