
Statewide Lead Sampling of School Drinking Water

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The state’s Division of Drinking Water, in collaboration with the California Department of Education, and in accordance with AB 746,  has been working with local water agencies and K-12 public school districts throughout California to conduct water sampling for lead.  In Irvine, our water agency is the (IRWD), which has been working with ſ since mid-2017 to test our schools’ water systems. 

ſ California Assembly Bill 746:

AB 746, published on October 12, 2017 went into effect January 1, 2018 and requires community water systems to test lead levels by July 1, 2019, in drinking water at all California public K-12 school sites constructed before January 1, 2010. 

Federal and State Standards:

  • Federal and state guidelines require action by school districts if test results are higher than 15 parts per billion (ppb).
  • Lead levels above 15ppb, the federal limit, require schools to replace faucets and notify parents.
  • Test results between 5ppb and 15ppb do not require action.

September 27, 2018 Update

ſ Results:

ſ schools have been tested and meet all state and federal standards.  IRWD recorded ſ school results as “non-detect.”  This means that no elevated water samples have been found at ſ schools and no action has been required. 

ſ Actions:

While our schools received “non-detect” status, six kitchen faucets used for cleaning and one water fountain in a boys locker room tested slightly above 5ppb but well-below federal and state standards of 15ppb.  Out of an abundance of caution, ſ replaced the kitchen faucets and remediated the water fountain at these specific locations.  The District is working with IRWD to retest those specific locations.

Kitchen Faucet Replacements:

  • Alderwood Elementary
  • Deerfield Elementary
  • Eastshore Elementary
  • Northwood Elementary
  • Santiago Hills Elementary
  • Springbrook Elementary

Fountain Remediation:

  • University High School

Although, the District is not required to test new schools built after 2010, ſ has and will continue to test new schools. 

More Information:

  • California Water Boards webpage at
  • IRWD’s webpage at