
Internet Safety Month 2024

Internet Safety Month

June is Internet Safety Month, which provides 澳门开奖网 an opportunity to remind our community about the importance of digital citizenship and safety online. Digital citizenship refers to establishing norms of behavior related to technology, including the internet and social media, that foster safe, respectful and responsible use.聽

Below are some helpful digital citizenship and safety tips and resources from our Information Technology team:聽

  • Think before you post.聽
  • Avoid oversharing.聽
  • When using social media, only connect with people you trust and report suspicious activity.
  • Protect your privacy. Ensure all social media accounts are private and avoid using common words when creating passwords.
  • Fact-check where your information comes from.
  • Practice digital wellness, like setting screen time limits.聽

is a platform frequently used by teachers and can help families receive trusted reviews on thousands of books, games, TV shows and movies to ensure safe media consumption.

Additional information and resources for both students and parents can be found on our Digital Citizenship webpage.