


The Board of Education recognizes that students and staff benefit from a variety of nutritional food choices in order to build lifelong, healthy foundations for access to their physical, social, and mental well-being. 

The primary goal of our nutrition education program is for students to understand and act on their understanding about the benefits of nutritious eating habits and the adverse effects of unhealthy meal and snack choices.

Nutrition guidelines, that are aligned with and are not less restrictive than applicable federal or states policies, shall be reviewed regularly, and shall apply to all food and beverages sold or otherwise made available to students on school campuses during the day and during after-school programs, including reimbursable school meals. Nutrition guidelines shall be designed to promote student health and reduce childhood obesity.

A food service program, based on regular lunch service with nutrient-dense meal choices, shall be provided. Other snack and breakfast programs may be provided as the needs of the students and the financial capacity of the district permit. 

The Board of Education recognizes that nutrition education and the school lunch program are important complements to the nutritional responsibilities of parents and guardians.


All administration of the food services program will be coordinated under the direction of the Superintendent, or designee.

Legal References

Education Code
39900 Cost chargeable against school district funds
39902 Employment of persons, cost of wages; reimbursement to general funds
49490-49493 School breakfast and lunch programs
49500-49504 School meals for pupils

Policy Adopted: February 3, 1974
Policy Revised: June 6, 2006

See Also: 

Board Policy 5030 - Student and Staff Wellness
Board Policy 6142 - Health Education
Board Policy 6146 - Physical Education and Fitness

Administrative Regulation: Nutrition Education and Food Service