


Nutrition guidelines with the objective of promoting health and reducing obesity, shall be developed by the district, and shall be applied to all foods and beverages made available on each campus during the school day. Such guidelines shall meet or exceed state and federal nutrition standards. The standards shall apply to foods and beverages made available through the district's food service program, student stores, vending machines, fundraisers, classroom celebrations and reward programs. With principal approval, occasional exceptions may be made for special events, e.g., ethnic or cultural celebrations.

The following regulations shall apply:

  1. All food and beverages sold on 澳门开奖网 campuses during the day and during after school programs shall be approved by the Food Service Director or designee to ensure compliance with nutritional guidelines, state and federal regulations and current health codes. This regulation is not intended to apply to after-school functions or events, e.g., interscholastic athletic contests, parent nights, fund-raising events.
  2. School staff shall make reasonable and consistent efforts to assure that state and federal nutrition guidelines are followed relative to food and beverages provided for classroom parties, for school celebrations, or given as rewards.
  3. The withholding of foods and snacks from any student or subgroup of students shall not be used as punishment.
  4. Water shall be accessible during hours of school operation through choices such as sanitary, maintained drinking fountains or vending machines.

The following guidelines shall apply:

  1. Foods and beverages made available to students during the school day shall be considered as carefully as other educational support materials.
  2. Foods shall be prepared in ways that appeal to students, while meeting nutritional guidelines.
  3. Food shall be served in portions appropriate to the needs of students at their age level and served in as pleasant and relaxed an atmosphere as possible.
  4. Staff members, employees, and adults on campus shall be encouraged to exhibit nutritious consumption of meal and beverages, acting as role models for students.
  5. Parents and guardians or other volunteers shall be encouraged to support the District鈥檚 nutrition policy.


The Food Service Director or designee shall insure compliance with state and federal regulations and current health codes. Business functions to be centralized include purchasing of food and supplies, a district-wide salary schedule for all food service employees, centrally planned menus, and auditing procedures of all accounts.

Adopted: June 6, 2006