


The Board of Education (Board) recognizes that the use of smartphones and other mobile communication devices on campus may be beneficial to student learning and well-being, but could be disruptive of the instructional program in some circumstances.Ìý The Board permits limited use of mobile communication devices on campus in accordance with law and the following Administrative Regulation.

Students may be permitted to use personal cell phones, smart watches, or other mobile communication devices on campus as long as the device is utilized in accordance with law and any rules that individual school sites may impose.Ìý Students’ use of personally owned devices on campus is subject to the approval of District staff.Ìý District staff may restrict student use of personally owned devices as necessary to support student learning or prevent disruption to the school environment.Ìý However, a student shall not be prohibited from possessing or using a mobile communication device under any of the following circumstances: (Education Code 48901.5, 48901.7)

1. In the case of an emergency, or in response to a perceived threat of danger

2. When a teacher or administrator grants permission to the student to possess or use a mobile communication device, subject to any reasonable limitation imposed by that teacher or administrator

3. When a licensed physician or surgeon determines that the possession or use is necessary for the student’s health and well-being

4. When the possession or use is required by the student’s individualized education program

Mobile communication devices shall not be used in any manner which infringes on the privacy rights of any other individual.

When a school official reasonably suspects that a search of a student’s mobile communication device will turn up evidence of the student’s violation of the law, Board Policies, Administrative Regulations or school rules, such a search shall be conducted in accordance with applicable law, Board Policies and Administrative Regulations.

When a student uses a mobile communication device in an unauthorized manner, the student may be disciplined and a District employee may confiscate the device.Ìý The employee shall store the device securely until it is return to the student or parent/guardian or turned over to the principal or designee, as appropriate.

A student may also be subject to discipline, in accordance with law, Board Policy or Administrative Regulation, for off-campus use of a mobile communication device which poses a threat or danger to the safety of students, staff, or District property or substantially disrupts school activities.

The District will not be responsible for a student’s mobile communication device which is brought on campus or to a school activity and is lost, stolen, or damaged.


Adopted: May 2, 2023