


The Board of Education (Board) intends that technological resources provided by the District (District Technology) be used in a safe and responsible manner in support of the instructional program and for the advancement of student learning.Ìý District Technology includes, but is not limited to, equipment, software, online resources, infrastructure, communication systems, and future technological innovations.ÌýÌý

All students, parents and guardians must abide by the terms of this Board Policy and the Acceptable Use Agreement - Student. (Administrative Regulation 6163.4) Expectations related to responsible and safe use of District Technology apply whether accessed on or off campus or through District-owned or personally owned resources.

The Superintendent or designee shall notify students and parents/guardians about authorized uses of District Technology, user obligations and responsibilities, appropriate conduct, and consequences for unauthorized use and/or unlawful activities in accordance with this Board Policy and the District's Acceptable Use Agreement - Student.Ìý All students using these resources shall receive instruction annually in their proper and appropriate use.

The Superintendent or designee shall implement rules and procedures designed to restrict students' access to harmful or inappropriate matter on the internet and prevent students from engaging in unauthorized or unlawful online activities. District staff are expected to review the technological resources and online sites that will be used in the classroom or assigned to students in order to ensure that they are appropriate for the intended purpose and the age of the students.

The Superintendent or designee shall provide age-appropriate instruction regarding safe and appropriate behavior on the internet and communication platforms. Such instruction shall include, but not be limited to, protecting personal information, building awareness of online risks, and recognizing and responding to inappropriate content, interactions, and cyberbullying.Ìý

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that all District devices with student internet access have a technology protection measure that protects against access to visual depictions that are obscene or harmful to minors and that the operation of such measures is enforced. (20 USC 7131; 47 USC 254; 47 CFR 54.520)Ìý Although the District makes its best efforts to filter online content, the District is not responsible for the failure of any technology protection measures.

The District reserves the right to monitor student use of technology within the jurisdiction of the District without advance notice or consent. Records related to student use ofÌýDistrict Technology are not private and may be accessed by the District for the purpose of ensuring proper use and safety. Students have no reasonable expectation of privacy in use of District Technology. Students' personally owned devices shall not be searched except when required by law or in cases where there is a reasonable suspicion, based on specific and objective facts, that the search will uncover evidence of a violation of law, District Policy, Administrative Regulation or applicable school rules.

Inappropriate use of District Technology may result in suspension or termination of the student’s user privileges or increased supervision of the student’s use of District Technology as appropriate.Ìý Inappropriate use may also result in disciplinary action, and/or legal action in accordance with law, Board Policy, and Administrative Regulation.


Policy Adopted: October 16, 2001
Policy Revised: August 27, 2002
Policy Revised: May 2, 2023

See Also:

Board Policy 1113 - District Websites
Board Policy 1325 - Advertising and Promotion
Board Policy 4040 - Employee Use of Technology
Board Policy 4119.21: Professional Standards - Appropriate Staff Interaction with Students
Board Policy 5022 - Student and Family Privacy Rights
Board Policy 5125 - Pupil Records
Board Policy 5131.9 - Academic Honesty and Integrity
Board Policy 5141.52 - Suicide Prevention
Board Policy 5142 - Student Safety
Board Policy 5144 - Student Conduct

Administrative Regulation 6163.4: Acceptable Use Agreement - Students
Administrative Regulation 6163.41: Mobile Communication Devices
